Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Scandal

The recent Rupert Murdoch Scandal has caused a huge buzz in Britain, but some people may still be wondering, what is the whole scandal about? What is so new about phone-hacking? Who is Rupert Murdoch?

Rupert Murdoch's news empire was an all out search team to find the latest and hottest news, and bring it to the public. Celebrities and politicians's phones were constantly hacked in order to allow the public to enjoy entertainment. However, this has now backfired on the public themselves. Now even phones of dead soldiers and murder victims had been hacked, causing the British people to revolt against such things.

In the past, the civilians were only thought about the latest news and buzz the celebrities and politicians were doing, but ever since they found out the Rupert Murdoch's company had been secretly hacking civilian's phones, the public has been outraged with him and have lodged numerous protests. Why is it that only when their own privacy has been affected that the people start to retaliate? It is not true that politicians and celebrities have no right to privacy. The biggest problem with the public is that they only care for their well-being.

Rupert Murdoch is a very influential person. With his control of the media, almost everyone has to kowtow to him in order not to get into trouble one way or another. In the initial stage of the trial, he was confident that he would be safe throughout the trial. Only in the later stages did he realize his mistakes and the risk he was taking, and apologized to the public.

In conclusion, the scandal occured because of different people's faults: the public, rupert murdoch and maybe even politicians and celebrities. We should take this opportunity to learn from our mistakes and not be so self-scented.

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